Wednesday, February 25, 2009

lovesss choir!

woohoo~~finally it's over!!^^V

never thought that I can enjoy the harmony in choir again after high school~=)
today, we finally made it. It's a true choir, even though it's still a "new-born baby".
and what that has really amazed me is that it took us just a short time to finish harmonizing the 3 main voices: soprano, alto and bass. The practice started last week but I've just been there once, by that time we had just started to learn the song. Later on, two days ago, our first attempt to sing to our officer was a big failure. She was totally disappointed with us.>.< then we started practice afterwards and got the song done in an hour. To my surprise, we did manage to harmonize pretty well!^^ perhaps it was bcoz we are just chamber choir and we can coordinate more easily compared to big choir which I used to join during secondary school. Anywayz, it is a joy to be in a good choir! =)

only 1 thing that i really hate about this is punctuality. It's so sad. I've been twice to the practices and for that 2 times, I was the first few to get there and have to wait for around 15 mins for whole thing to start. It's really frustrating and somemore today we were the last few to perform and before that we were there pretty early and havta wait for a few hours. well, I really hate to be the last to's just a waste of time and energy T.T~how good if we can juz get there and get on the stage and get everything done so we can do some other things rather than waiting and rotting there. @@

miss my secondary school choir a lot~~and really had fun performing just now!=D hopefully our college choir will grow and continue to give even better performances ^^. I wasn't suppose to blog now coz i have my music appreciation mid-term tmr~~>.< adios bloggie~ T.T good luck to all who are having exams tmr~~

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Don't Say Goodbye...

Don't Say Goodbye...Coz you're my everything...





Ehehe...the first part of this blog in chinese is written in the afternoon then i thought the title of this song of tvxq suited it so i added it into this blog~~@@ it's been some times that i'm off from my fangirlism~~lost that part of me since dunno when...>.< then i guess it's 25% back in me today~~^^ now i'm not so much into watching variety show and mvs but only listening to songs.

No dear jade. they are NOT just goodlooking singers i believe. =P coz even by listening and only listening i still find them good bleek.=PP Finally downloaded "don't say goodbye" today and songs from bolero single. Nice songs!^_^ here's the lyrics <3

Don't Say Goodbye by TVXQ

눈 맞추지 못하는 Can't meet your sight
그댈 읽을 수 없죠 Can't read your heart
길을 잃어버린 아이 같아서 Like a kid who lost his way
기다리고만 있죠 I can only wait silently
어떤 말을 할건지 What more can I say
사실 난 알고 있죠 I have already known the truth
진심이 아닌걸 눈치 챈걸요 You're hiding the expression in your eyes
That's not what you mean
눈물이 말하잖아요 Your tears told everything
Don't say goodbye
그 손을 놓지 말라는 마음이 들려요 Heard your heart saying," don't let go of my hands"
그대 맘이 들려요 아직 나만을 원하죠 Heard your heart saying, "you still need me now"
그댄 숨길 수 없죠 You don't know how to hide
그댄 거짓말을 못하죠 You can't learn to lie

허락할 수 없어요 I won't allow
헤어지잔 거짓말 Lie telling me that you want to breakup
눈을 보고 말해봐요 Look in my eyes and tell me
아니잖아요 It's not like that
진심 아니잖아요 That is not true from the bottom of your heart
Don't say goodbye
그 손을 놓지 말라는 마음이 들려요 Heard your heart saying, "don't let go of my hands"
그대 맘이 들려요 Heart your heart saying
세상이 등 돌려도 힘든 사랑이라도 Even if it's a love that reverse the world
You are my love
You are my soul
Don't say goodbye
Don't leave me now oh yeah
함께 나눈 약속이 The promise that we made together
내겐 전부인걸요 Is my everything

Don't say goodbye
You are my everything to me
지친 내 하루는 항상 그댈 찾겠죠 Exhausted me, always finding you for a whole day
마르지 않는 샘처럼 Like spring water that will never get dried up
그댈 사랑할께요 I will always love you
You are my love
(You are my love)
You are my soul
(You are my soul)
Don't say goodbye
You are the only one for me
없었던 일처럼 오늘이 또 지나면 Exhausted me, always looking for you in a day
서로 맘을 놓지 않고 Never give up on each other
모두 이겨내겠죠 We can overcome everything
Cause you are my everything to me
Cause you are my everything to me

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Just a little while...

For a little while, I've been pampering myself.
Letting my emotions flow without any restrictions.
For a little while, I've been over the border.
Setting myself free to do whatever I want to do.

Now that I've found the reason why bitter comes along.
Anything, good, bad, or neutral, should not be done towards the extreme ends.
Either way, it'll counter whatever good it brings.

Love, when overdose, is an addiction.
It is a poisonous drug that one could not resist.
Or as some calls it, an incurable disease.

Take a small step at one time and don't go too fast.
Just like dancing waltz in a slow tempo,
Beat by beat, step by step.
Follow the flow and don't go beyond or against it,
And that's how things should be. =)

Friday, February 6, 2009

I forgive u...=P

Was thinking of my blog title a while ago and suddenly his blog flash through my erm...Jade, i forgive u =P...

Well, this is the bottle with sand inside that he gave me yesterday for our 100th day ^^. He asked what I want before this and I said a car and a house so when it turned out to be sand @@ it's undeniably quite disappointing xPP Nah...juz joking! Thanx dear for that little surprise hehe...=D love that bottle and it's quite special indeed. He told me before our CNY break that it'll be our last day on our see what u did? u juz broke the is 101 and i had alr too much of u=P but I still want more ^o^ (e.g torturing you, hitting you etc...=P)

This guy...he might not be the guy with all the best criteria I hope to have in my ideal guy (like tall, guai, clever...and the list goes on xP) but he certainly is the one who can make me feel at ease to be with and perhaps one that I want to be with for a long time.<3 Sometimes, it's not that I love to be jealous so much...It's just that he's that type of friendly guy that easily get close to people and for that, it just doesn't feel "safe" when he's with other girls. >.< But of course Jade, I'll try to trust u as much as I can =) (I said no guarantee I can =PP)

Next Tuesday is socio test TT and i haven't even finish a chapter so apparently i'm gonna have to rush through things on today and monday. I hate test!! I want to sleep and eat all time!! keke..=P Gosh what a lazy pig I am @@ Hmm..hopefully tomorrow's trip to old folks home will be short and sweet =) then i'll be able to study more at the night...and one more thing to cry for, I havent have my stats assignment done, which was also due on tuesday...haiz...good luck to me, mE, ME! Hehe..Quoting what my socio lecturer Mr. Borges always like to say "Me, me, me!" He really sounds cute when he said tat. lol.