Friday, March 20, 2009

Tomodachi =)

It has been a really long time I didn't talk with my best friends from hometown, I mean group chatting. Yesterday was the first time after several months that I've talked to yoohye and jeongjeong 3 of us tgt. Sujin was missing in action. =P Miss those moments we had so much!!T__T Anywayz, was complained yst coz I always blog about someone but not them. Then I was watching drama while my test is on next thursday then jeongjeong was so stern "dun regret, got test still watch drama, should change..." ...huhu >.<;;; So here I am~~gonna write about us today...hehe^^

Well, yst chat was kinda short and a bit funny coz I was soo blur and out of their friend circle now. They were talking about a guy in their class but I just know him for the name and nothing else. Then later I suddenly pop out saying something unrelated then here comes again our "irrelevant chat". We talked about some topic then suddenly one of us will pop out with sth really unrelated. It was so funny as yoohye is still as sarcastic as ever =P and with jeongjeong's weird japanese-style tamil. >.<;; Then yoohye asked me abt the story that me, sujin and her once wrote tgt. Too bad i stopped writing and didn't continue it for very long time, i think already for years now it's been on a hiatus @@. Gonna dig it all out again and try to continue it since she requested. Huhu. Drained of ideas now...T__T

Tomodachi wa nani? Someone that can always stand by your side and listen to you whenever you're down and be happy for you when you're happy. Even if we're far apart, the tie will never be cut. Even if I did not mention u guyz always, you're always an important part in my life neh! Thanks so much for being my frens!=) And of course for all my other frenss too~~u guys really mean a lot to me! And so sorry if I've neglected anyone of u and for being a bad fren...

Finished my drama "zettai kareshi(absolute boyfriend)" yst...It was sooo sad at the end...T__T me and my friend cried so much for that...>.< Dat drama is really very nice~~sugoii!! thanx to Ika who recommended it to me~~^^ Then today gonna watch slumdog millionaire later~after I finish doing my presentation slides...Wahhh...presentation and socio test tgt on next thursday!! Must gambatte! =P Ja ne!

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